The number of factors of 196 which are divisible by 4 is:

Let x be the least number which when divided by 15,18, 20 and 27, the remainder in each case is 10 and x is a multiple of 31. What least number should be added to x to make it a perfect square?

If the sum of two positive numbers is 65 and the square root of their product is 26, then the sum of their reciprocals is:

The sum of three consecutive natural numbers is always divisible by . . . . . . . .?

Three numbers are in Arithmetic progression (AP) whose sum is 30 and the product is 910. Then the greatest number in the AP is:

What is the value of $$99\frac{{11}}{{99}} + 99\frac{{13}}{{99}} + 99\frac{{15}}{{99}} + ........ + 99\frac{{67}}{{99}}?$$

The digit at Hundred's place value of 17! is:

Ifa number K = 42 × 25 × 54 × 135 is divisible by 3a, then find the maximum value of a

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