The numbers 2272 and 875 are divided by a three-digit numbers N, giving the same remainder. The sum of the digits of N is :

The remainder when (1523 + 2323) is divided by 19, is :

Which one of the following numbers is divisible by 15 ?

How many numbers will be there between 300 and 500, where 4 comes only one time ?

A number when divided by three consecutive numbers 9, 11, 13 leaves the remainders 8, 9 and 8 respectively. If the order of divisors is reversed, the remainders will be :

The divisor is 25 times the quotient and 5 times the remainder. If the quotient is 16, then the dividend is :

The remainder when 784 is divided by 342 is :

The difference between the square of two consecutive odd integers is always divisible by :

The smallest number that must be added to 803642 in order to obtain a multiple of 11 is :

A 4-digit number is formed by repeating a 2-digit number such as 2525, 3232 etc. Any number of this form is exactly divisible by :

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