A number when divided by the sum of 555 and 445 gives two times their difference as quotient and 30 as the remainder. The number is:

In which set of numbers every pair is coprime to each other?

Which of the following given value is greater than $$\root 3 \of {12} \,?$$

Sum of three fractions is $$2\frac{{11}}{{24}}.$$  On dividing the largest fraction by the smallest fraction, $$\frac{7}{6}$$ is obtained which is $$\frac{1}{3}$$ greater than the middle fraction. The smallest fraction is

If A = $$0.3\overline {12} ,$$  B = $$0.4\overline {15} $$  and C = $$0.30\overline 9 ,$$  then what is the value of A + B + C?

How many numbers are there from 500 to 650 (including both) which are neither divisible by 3 nor 7?

350 + 926 + 2718 + 928 + 929 is divisible by which of the following integers?

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