Each member of a club contributes as much rupees and as much paise as the number of members of the club. If the total contribution is Rs. 2525, then the number of members of the club is:

If X and Y are the two digits of the number 347XY such that the number is completely divisible by 80, then what is the value of X + Y?

When 12, 16, 18, 20 and 25 divide the least number x, the remainder in each case is 4 but x is divisible by 7. What is the digit at the thousand's place in x?

The value of (1018)2 - 1019 × 1017 + 1015 × 1012 - 1016 × 1011 is:

If the sum of digits of a two digit number is 10 and if the digits of two digits number is reversed, then the number is decreased by 36. Which of the following is correct regarding the number?
I. The difference of the digits is 4.
II. The value of number can be 84.
III. Number is always a composite number.

When (7777 + 77) is divided by 78, the remainder is:

What is least possible number when it is divided by 13 leaves 8 and when divided by 7 leaves remainder 6?

If the arithmetic mean of 3a and 4b is greater than 50, and a is twice b, then the smallest possible integer value of a is:

If (px3 - 8x2 - qx + 1), the expression is completely divisible by the expression (3x2 - 4x + 1). Then what will be the value of p and q respectively?

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