One of the factors of (82k + 52k), where k is an odd number, is:

The numerator of a fraction is multiple of two numbers. One of the numbers is greater than the other by 2. The greater number is smaller than the denominator by 4. If the denominator 7 + C (C > - 7) is a constant, then the minimum value of the fraction is:

A two-digit number, 9A, is a prime number. Find A.

The sum of the digits of a two digit number is $$\frac{1}{7}$$ of the number. The units digit is 4 less than the tens digit. If the number obtained on reversing its digits is divided by 7, the remainder will be:

Two positive whole numbers are such that the sum of the first and twice the second number is 8 and their difference is 2. The numbers are:

A and B are positive integers. If A + B + AB = 65, then what is the difference between A and B (A, B ≤ 15)?

How many times the keys of a typewriter have to be pressed in order to write number from 121 to 1346?

Among the following statements, the statement which is not correct is:

If 13 + 23 . . . . . . + 103 = 3025, then the value of 23 + 43 . . . . . . + 203 is:

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