A, B and C are partners in a business partnership. A invested Rs. 4000 for whole year. B invested Rs. 6000 initially but increased this investment up to Rs. 8000 at the end of 4 months, while C invested Rs. 8000 initially, but withdraw Rs. 2000 at the end of 9 months. At the end of year total earned profit is Rs. 16950, find their share of profit ?

Out of total capital required to start a business A invested 30%, B invested $$\frac{2}{5}$$ th and C invested the remaining capital. At the end of one year sum of Rs. 4000 is earned as a profit which is 20% of the capital given by B, then find how much C invested in the business ?

A and B started a business in partnership by investing in the ratio of 7 : 9. After 3 months A withdraw $$\frac{2}{3}$$ of its investment and after 4 months from the beginning B withdraw $$33\frac{1}{3}$$ % of its investment. If a total earned profit is Rs. 10201 at the end of 9 months, find the share of each in profit ?

A, B and C enter into a partnership, investing Rs. 6000. A invests Rs. 1000 and B and C in invests in the ratio of 2 : 3. Find the profit of C, when the annual profit is Rs. 2400 ?

3 brothers divided 1620 among them in such a way that the share of second is equal to $$\frac{5}{{13}}$$ of share of other two, combined. What is the share of the second one ?

A and B invest Rs. 3000 and Rs. 2400 respectively in a business. If after one year there is a loss Rs. 720, how much loss will B bear? (loss or profit is in proportion to their investment)

A, B and C together start a business. Three times the investment of A equal four times the investment of B and the capital of B is twice that of C. The ratio of share of each in the profit ?

The students of a class donated a sum of Rs. 2,209. If each student donated as many rupees as the number of students in the class, then the number of students in the class is:

A, B and C started a business by investing Rs. 27,500, Rs. 32,500 and Rs 37,500 respectively A is a working partner and gets 20% of the profit as working allowance and remaining is distributed in the proportion of their investment. If the money received by C is Rs. 13,500, what is the total profit?

A and B enter into a partnership with capital in the ratio 5 : 6. After 4 months, A withdraws $$\frac{1}{5}$$ of his capital, while B increases his capital by $$33\frac{1}{3}\% .$$  What is the share (in Rs. lakhs) of B in the annual profit of Rs. 6.3 lakhs?

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