Due to fall of 10% in the rate of sugar, 500 gm more sugar can be purchased for Rs. 140. Find the original rate?

Two numbers are respectively 20% and 50% of a third number. What per cent is the first number of second?

An empty fuel tank of a car was filled with A type petrol. When the tank was half-empty, it was filled with B type petrol. Again when the tank was half-empty, it was filled with A type petrol. When the tank was half-empty again, it was filled with B type petrol. What is the percentage of A type petrol at present in the tank?

For an examination it is required to get 36% of maximum marks to pass. A student got 113 marks and failed by 85 marks. The maximum marks for the examination are:

1% of 1% of 25% 1000 is:

The population of a village increase by 5% annually. If its present population is 4410, then its population 2 years ago was:

A spider climbed $$\frac{{125}}{2}$$ % of the height of the pole in one hour and in the next hour it covered $$\frac{{25}}{2}$$ % of remaining height. If pole's height is 192 m, then distance climbed in second hour is:

What is a percent of b divided by b percent of a?

In an election 4% of votes cast are invalid. A candidate gets 55% of casted votes and wins the election by 4200 votes. Find the total number of votes casted.

In a mixture there is 15% of salt. When 30 liter of water is evaporated, salt becomes 20% of mixture. Find the initial quantity of mixture.

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