The number that is to be added to 10% of 320 to have the sum as 30% of 230 is :

25% of 120 + 40% of 380 = ? of 637

A number, on subtracting 15 from it reduces to its 80%. What is 40% of the number ?

If 35% of A's income is equal to 25% of B's income, then the ratio of A's income to B's income is :

If y% of one hour is, 1 minute 12 seconds, then y is equal to :

When the price of an article was reduce by 20%, its sale increased by 80%. What was the net effect on the sale ?

In an examination, 34% failed in Mathematics and 42% failed in English. If 20% failed in both the subjects, the percentage of students who passed in both subjects was :

In an election there were only two candidates. One of the candidate secured 40% of votes and is defeated by the other candidate by 298 votes. The total number of votes polled is :

In what ratio must a mixture of 30% alcohol strength be mixed with that of 50% alcohol strength so as get a mixture of 45% alcohol strength ?

When 60% of a number is subtracted from another number, the second number reduces to its 52%, the ratio of the first number to the second number is :

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