When water is changed into ice, its volume increases by 9%. If ice change into water, the percentage decrease in volume is :

A tree increases annually by $$\frac{1}{8}$$ of its height. By how much will it increase after $$2\frac{1}{2}$$ years if it stands today 8 m high ?

How many litres of a 30% alcohol solution should be added to 40 litres of a 60% alcohol solution to prepare a 50% solution ?

Solve [180% of (?)] ÷ 2 = 504

The marked price of an article is Rs. 2400. The shopkeeper gives successive discounts of x% and 15% to the customer. If the customer pays Rs. 1876.80 for the article, find the value of x :

5 out of 2250 parts of earth is sulphur. What is the percentage of sulphur in earth ?

In a class of 65 students and 4 teachers, each student got sweet that are 20% of the total number of students and each teacher got sweets that are 40% of the total number of students. How many sweets are there ?

If 35% of a number is 175, then what percent of 175 is that number ?

A number reduced by 25% becomes 225. What percent should it be increase so that it becomes 390 ?

In an examination it is required to get 296 of the total maximum aggregate marks to pass. A student gets 259 marks and is decided failed. The difference of marks obtained by the student and that required to pass is 5%. What are the maximum aggregate marks a students can get ?

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