In a factory, producing parts for an automobile, the parts manufactured on the shop floor are required to go through three quality checks, each conducted after a specific part of the processing on the raw materials is completed. Only parts that are not rejected at one stage are put through the subsequent stages of production and testing. If average rejection rates at these testing machines during a month are 10%, 5% and 2% respectively, then what is the effective rejection rate for the whole plant ?

Depreciation applicable to an equipment is 20%. The value of the equipment 3 years from now will be less by :

In a hotel, 60% had vegetarian lunch while 30% had non-vegetarian lunch and 15% had both types of lunch. If 96 people were present, how many did not eat either type of lunch ?

1 litre of water is added to 5 litres of alcohol water solution containing 40% alcohol strength. The strength of alcohol in the new solution will be :

Solve this : 30% of 1225 - 64% of 555 = ?

One litre of water is evaporated from a 6 litre solution containing 4% sugar. The percentage of sugar in the remaining solution is :

Find the number :
85% of 420 + ?% of 1080 = 735

What is 45% of 25% of $$\frac{4}{5}$$th of 850 ?

In an examination it is required to get 36% of the aggregate marks to pass. A student gets 198 marks and is declared failed by 36 marks. What is the maximum aggregate marks a student can get ?

It costs Rs. 1 to photocopy a sheet of paper. However, 2% discount is allowed on all photocopies done after first 1000 sheets. How much will it cost to copy 5000 sheets of paper ?

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