If x% of 500 = y% of 300 and x% of y% of 200 = 60, then x = ?

In a city, 35% of the population is composed of migrants, 20% of whom are from rural areas. Of the local population, 48% is female while this figure for rural and urban migrants is 30% and 40% respectively. What percentage of the total population comprises of females ?

A person speeds 75% of his income. If his income increase by 20% and expenses increase by 15%, his saving will increase by :

The population of a town is 1771561. If it had been increasing at 10% per annum, its population 6 years ago was :

In some quantity of ghee, 60% is pure ghee and 40% is vanaspati. If 10 kg pure ghee is added, then the strength of vanaspati ghee becomes 20%. The original quantity was :

In a graduate class of 200, 40% are women and $$\frac{1}{5}$$ become lecturers. If the number of men who become lecturers is twice that of women, calculate approximate percentage of men who became lecturers.

Nagaraj could save 10% of his income. But 2 years later, when his income increased by 20%, he could save the same amount only as before. By how much percentage has his expenditure increased ?

6 c.c. of a 20% solution of alcohol in water is mixed with 4 c.c. of a 60% solution of alcohol in water. The alcoholic strength of the mixture is?

A housewife saved Rs. 2.50 in buying an item on sale. If she spent Rs. 25 for the item, approximately how much percent she saved in the transaction ?

If Rs. 2800 is $$\frac{2}{7}$$ percent of the value of a house, the worth of the house (in Rs.) is :

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