If a = b × $$\frac{{d}}{{c}}$$; b, c and d are increased by 10%, then by how much does a increase ?

Kamal has 160 toffees. He gave 5% toffees to Ravi, 15% toffees to Anita and one-fourth of the toffees to Gagan. How many toffees are left with Kamal after the distribution ?

If a is 60% of b, then what percent of 4a is 5b ?

Solve this :
(0.85% of 405) + (2.25% of 550) = ?

An alloy of gold and silver weight 50 g. It contains 80% gold. How much gold should be added to the alloy so that percentage of gold is increased to 90 ?

One-eighth of a number is 41.5. What will 69% of that number be ?

A company pays rent of Rs. 25000 per month for office space to its owner. But if the company pays the annual rent at the beginning of the year the owner gives a discount of 5% on the total annual rent. What is the annual amount the company pays to the owner after the discount ?

Solve this :
(0.56% of 225) × (3.25% of 430) = ?

An interval of 3 hours 40 minutes is wrongly estimated as 3 hours 45.5 minutes. The error percentage is :

A number increased by $$37\frac{1}{2}$$ % gives 33. The number is :

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