Out of 10 persons working on a project, 4 are graduates. If 3 are selected, what is the probability that there is at least one graduate among them?

A box contains 3 blue marbles, 4 red, 6 green marbles and 2 yellow marbles. If four marbles are picked at random, what is the probability that none is blue?

The probability that a number selected at random from the first 50 natural numbers is a composite number is -

If a card is drawn from a well shuffled pack of cards, the probability of drawing a spade or a king is -

A bag contains five white and four red balls. Two balls are picked at random from the bag. What is the probability that they both are different color?

A box contains nine bulbs out of which 4 are defective. If four bulbs are chosen at random, find the probability that exactly three bulbs are good.

A basket has 5 apples and 4 oranges. Three fruits are picked at random. The probability that at least 2 apples are picked is -

Out of first 20 natural numbers, one number is selected at random. The probability that it is either an even number or a prime number is -

The probability that A speaks truth is $$\frac{{3}}{{5}}$$ and that of B speaking truth is $$\frac{{4}}{{7}}$$. What is the probability that they agree in stating the same fact?

A box contains nine bulbs out of which 4 are defective. If four bulbs are chosen at random, find the probability that at least one bulb is good.

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