6 years ago , the ratio of the ages of Kunal and Sagar was 6 : 5. Four years hence, the ratio of their ages will be 11 : 10. What is Sagar's age at present ?

Sneh's age is $$\frac{1}{6}$$ th of her father's age. Sneh's father's age will be twice of Vimal's age after 10 years. If Vimal's 8th birthday was celebrated 2 years ago,then what is Sneh's present age ?

The ages of Sulekha and Arunima are in the ratio 9 : 8 respectively. After 5 years, the ratio of their ages will be 10 : 9. What is the difference in their ages ?

X's age 3 years ago was three times the present age of Y. At present Z's age is twice the age of Y. Also Z is 12 years younger than X. What is the present age of Z ?

Eight year ago, Poorvi's age was equal to the sum of the present ages of her one son and one daughter. Five years hence, the respective ratio between the ages of her daughter and her son that time will be 7 : 6. If Poorvi's husband is 7 years elder to her and his present age is three times the present age of their son, what is the present age of the daughter ? (in year)

The sum of present ages of a father and his son is 8 years more than the present age of the mother. The mother is 22 years older than the son. What will be the age of the father after 4 years?

Rahul is as much younger than Sagar as he is older than Purav. If the sum of the ages of Purav and Sagar is 66 years, and Sagar's age is 48 years, then what is the difference between Rahul and Purav's age ? ( in years)

Ten years hence, the respective ratio between Simmi's age ans Niti's age will be 7 : 9. Two years ago, the respective ratio between Simmi's and Niti's age was 1 : 3. If Abhay is 4 years older then Niti, what is Abhay's present age ? (in years)

The sum of the present ages of a father and son is 52 years. Four years hence, the son's age will be $$\frac{1}{4}$$ that of the father. What will be the ratio of the ages of the son and father, 10 years from now?

Eight years ago, the ratio of ages of A and B was 5 : 4. The ratio of their present ages is 6 : 5. What will be the sum (in years) of the ages of A and B after 7 years from now?