The ratio of two numbers is 3 : 4 and their LCM is 120. The sum of numbers is = ?

The greatest 4 digit number which is exactly divisible by each one of the numbers 12, 18, 21 and 28 = ?

The traffic lights at three different signal points change after every 45 seconds, 75 seconds and 90 seconds respectively. If all change simultaneously at 7:20:15 hours, then they will change again simultaneously at = ?

LCM of two prime numbers x and y (x > y) is 161. Then the value of 3y - x is = ?

A and B run a 12 km race on a circular track of length 1200 m. They complete one round in 300 seconds and 400 seconds, respectively. After how much time from start will the faster person meet the slower person for the last time?

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