By selling an article at $$\frac{2}{3}$$ of the marked price, there is a loss of 10% . The profit percent, when the article is sold at the marked price, is -

Raghavan purchase a scooter at $$\frac{13}{15}$$ of its selling price and sold it at 12% more than its selling price. His gain is -

A sells a bicycle to B at a profit of 20% . B sells it to C at a profit of 25% . If C pays Rs. 225 for it, the cost price of the bicycle for A is = ?

A house worth Rs. 150000 is sold by X at a 5% profit to Y, Y sells the house back to X at a 2% loss. Then find profit and loss in the entire transaction = ?

A manufacturer sells an article to a wholesale dealer at a profit of 10% . The wholesale dealer sells it to a shopkeeper at 20% profit. The shop - keeper sells it to a customer for Rs. 56100 at a loss of 15% . Then the cost price of the article to the manufacturer is = ?

An increase of Rs. 3 in the selling price of an article turns a loss of $$7\frac{1}{2}$$% into a gain of $$7\frac{1}{2}$$%. The cost price in (Rs.) of the article is -

A shopkeeper sells an article at $$12\frac{1}{2}$$% loss. If he sells it for Rs. 92.50 more than he gains 6% . What is the cost price of the article ?

A sells a cycle to B at a profit of 10% , B sells to C at a profit of 20% . If C pays Rs. 264 for it, how much did A pay for it ?

A sold a tape - recorder to B for Rs. 4860 at a loss of 19% . Again B sold it to C at price that would give A a profit of 17% . The gain of B is = ?

A dishonest fruit vendor sells his goods at cost price but they uses a weight of 900 gm. for the 1 kg. weight. His gain percent is = ?

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