Joseph's salary is reduced by 10% . In order to have his salary back to his original amount, it must be raised by = ?

A shopkeeper sells two watches for Rs. 308 each. On one he gets 12% profit and on the other 12% loss. His profit or loss in the entire transaction was -

A man sells two flats at the rate of Rs. 1.995 lakhs each. On one he gains 5% and on the other, he loses 5% . His gain or loss percent in the whole transaction is -

The list price of an article is Rs. 900. It is available at two successive discounts of 20% and 10% . The selling price of the article is = ?

A dishonest grocer sells rice at a profit of 10% and uses weight which are 20% less than the marked weight. The total gain earned by him will be = ?

A dishonest dealer professes to sell his goods at the cost price but uses a false weight of 850 g. instead of 1 kg. his gain percent is = ?

A man sells two commodities for Rs. 4000 each, neither losing nor gaining in the deal. If he sold one commodity at a gain of 25%, the other commodity is sold at a loss of = ?

A house and a shop were sold for Rs. 1 lakh each. In this transaction, the house sale resulted into 20% loss whereas the shop sale resulted into 20% profit. The entire transaction resulted in -

A man bought two goats for Rs. 1008. He sold one at a loss of 20% and other at a profit of 44% if each goat was sold for the same price the cost price of the goat which was sold at loss, was = ?

One trader calculates the percentage of profit on the buying price and another calculates on the selling price. When their selling price are the same then the difference of their actual profits is Rs. 85 and both claim to have made 20% profit, what is the selling price of each ?

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