By mixing two brands of tea and selling the mixture at the rate of Rs. 177 per kg, a shopkeeper makes a profit of 18% . If to every 2 kg of one brand costing Rs. 200 per kg, 3 kg of the other brand is added, then how much per kg does he other brand cost ?

A milkman cheats his customer in two ways. He mixes 10% water in pure milk and increases the price of milk by 10% . He purchases 20 kg pure milk at a rate of Rs. 15 per kg. His total profit by selling it is -

A shopkeeper earns a profit of 12% on selling a book at 10% discount on the printed price. The ratio of the cost price and the printed price of the book is = ?

A tradesman allows a discount of 15% on the marked price. How much above the cost price must he mark his goods as to gain 19% ?

A shopkeeper allows 23% commission on his advertised price and still makes a profit of 10% . If he gains Rs. 56 on one item, his advertised price of the item, in Rs. is = ?

A fruit seller professes to sell his fruits at cost price, but still gains 25% on his outlay. What weight does he substitute for a kilogram ?

A shopkeeper cheats to the extent of 10% while buying as well as selling, by using false weights. His total gain is -

How much percent above the cost price should a shopkeeper marks his goods so as to earn a profit of 32% after allowing a discount of 12% on the marked price = ?

A dealer purchased a washing machine for Rs. 7660. After allowing a discount of 12% on its marked price, he still gains 10% . Find the marked price of the washing machine = ?

A publisher printed 2000 copies of a book at a cost of Rs. 70000. He distributes 400 copies free as specimen copies. He gave 30% discount on marked price of each book which is Rs. 75. What is his gain or loss percentage = ?

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