Left pan of a faculty balance weighs 100 grams more than its right pan. A shopkeeper keeps the weight measure in the left pan while buying goods but keeps it in the right pan while selling his goods. He uses only 1 kg weight measure. If he sells his goods at the listed cost price, what is his gain ?

A dishonest dealer sells the goods at 20% loss on cost price but uses 15% less weight. What is his percentage profit or loss ?

While selling to the retailer, a company allows 30% discount on the marked price of their products. If the retailer sells those products at marked price, his profit % will be = ?

A trader marked the price of a commodity so as to include a profit of 25% , but allow discount of 16% on the marked price. His actual profit will be = ?

A got 30% concession on the label price of an article and sold for Rs. 8750 with 25% profit on the price he bought. The label price was = ?

A shopkeeper advertises for selling cloth at 4% loss. However, by using a false meter scale he actually gains 20% . What is the actual length of the scale ?

A trader professes to sell his goods at a nominal gain percentage but actually earns $$37\frac{1}{2}$$% profit by using false weight. If for a kg he uses a weight of 800 gm, what is the nominal gain percentage at which he claims to be selling his goods ?

A stockist wants to make some profit by selling sugar. He contemplates about various methods. Which of the following would maximize his profit ?

A shopkeeper marks his goods 15% above the cost price, but allows 20% discount for cash. His net loss is = ?

A trader allows a discount of 10% on the marked price. He still has a profit of 17% on the cost price. Find the profit percentage. If he sells at the marked price = ?

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