A man sells a book at a profit of 20% . If he had bought it at 20% less and sold it for Rs. 18 less, he would have gained 25% . The cost price of the book is = ?

A bookseller sells a book at a profit of 10% . If he had bought it at 4% less and sold it for Rs. 6 more, he would have gained $$18\frac{3}{4}$$ %. The cost price of the book is -

A watch is sold at a profit of 20%. If both the cost price and the selling price of the watch are decreased by Rs. 100, the profit would be 5% more. Original cost price of the watch is -

A sells a suitcase to B at 10% profit. If B pays Rs. 2860 for it, then the price of which A bought is = ?

A sells a cycle to B at a profit of 20% and B sells it to C at a loss of 25% . If C bought the cycle for Rs. P, then the cost price of it for A was = ?

A man buys a cycle for Rs. 1400 and sells it at a loss of 15% . What is the selling price of the cycle = ?

An article is sold at a profit of 20% . If the cost price is increased by 10% and the sale price by Rs. 26, then the percentage of profit reduces by 5% . Determine the cost price = ?

Shailja earns 15 percent on an investment but loses 10 percent on another investment. If the ratio of the two investments is 3 : 5, then the combined loss percent is -

On selling an article for Rs. 651, there is a loss of 7%. The cost price of that article is = ?

A reduction of 20% in the price of salt enabled a purchaser to obtain 4 kg, more for Rs. 100. The reduced price of salt per kg. is = ?

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