An article is sold at a certain price. If it is sold at $$33\frac{1}{3}\% $$  of this price, there is a loss of $$33\frac{1}{3}\% .$$  What is the percentage profit if the article is sold at 80% of its original selling price?

A vegetable seller sells potatoes at Rs. 22 per kg which he purchased at Rs. 18 per kg. But he gives only 850 grams of potatoes instead of 1 kg while selling. What is the actual percentage profit earned by the seller?

A dishonest merchant sells goods at a 12.5% loss on the cost price, but uses 28 g weight instead of 36 g. What is his percentage profit or loss?

A man bought an article and sold it at a gain of 10%. If he bought the article at 20% less and sold it for Rs. 1,000 more, he would have made a profit of 40%. The cost price of the article (in Rs.) is:

How many kg of rice costing Rs. 42 per kg should be mixed with $$7\frac{1}{2}$$ kg rice costing Rs. 50 per kg so that by selling the mixture at Rs. 53.10 per kg, there is a gain of 18%.

An article is sold at 25 percent loss. If its cost price is doubled and selling price is increased by Rs. 660, then there is a profit of 20 percent. What is the original cost price of the article?

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