The price of an article by 30% and then two successive discounts of 10% each are allowed. Ultimately, the price of the article is -

A sells a car priced at Rs. 36000. He gives a discount of 8% on the 1st Rs. 20000 and 5% on the remaining Rs. 16000 B also sells a car of the same make, period at Rs. 36000. He gives a discount of 7% on the total price. Calculate the actual price charged by A and B for the cars =

A person buys a bag at 25% discount on its original price. After few days, he sells it to his friend at 40% increase on the original price. What is his profit percentage (approx) ?

A loss of 20% gets converted into a profit of 15% when the selling price of an article is increased by Rs. 70. Find the cost price of the article = ?

By selling an umbrella for Rs. 300, a shopkeeper gains 20%. During a clearance sale, the shopkeeper allows a discount of 10% on the marked price. His gain percent during the sale is -

At what percent above the cost price must a shopkeeper mark his goods so that he gains 20% even after giving a discount of 10% on the marked price ?

A discount of 10% is given by a salesman for cash payment. What should be the marked price if he wants to earn a profit of 5% ?

A shopkeeper purchased 50 dozen cups for Rs. 3000. Out of these, 60 cups were broken and could not be sold. At what rate per dozen should he sell the remaining cup to make a profit of 20% ?

If a commission at the rate of 10% is given to a bookseller on the marked price of a book by the publisher, the publisher gains 20% . If the commission is increased to 15% , then the gain percent would be = ?

A shopkeeper marks his goods at such a price that after allowing a discount of 12.5 % on the marked price, he still earns a profit of 10%. The marked price of an article which costs him Rs. 4900 is -

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