A shopkeeper sells a badminton racket, whose marked price is Rs. 30, at a discount of 15% and gives a shuttle cock costing Rs. 1.50 free with each racket. Even then he makes a profit of 20% . His cost price per racket is.

A trader purchased a gift box for Rs. 150. What should be the marked price on the gift box so that after allowing a discount of 10% , he makes a profit of 10% ?

A shopkeeper purchases two items for Rs. 520. One of them is sold gaining 16% and the other at a loss of 10%, thus making no profit or loss. What is the selling price of the item sold at loss ?

A dishonest dealer professes to sell his goods at cost price but uses a weight of 875 gms for the kilogram weight. His gain in the percentage is = ?

A shopkeeper sold an air - conditioner for Rs. 25935 with a discount of 9% and earned a profit of 3.74%. What would have been the percentage of profit if no discount were offered?

A shopkeeper sells 25 articles at Rs. 45 per article after giving 10% discount and earns 50% profit. If the discount is not given, the profit gained is = ?

At what percentage above the cost price must an article be marked so as to gain 33% after allowing a customer a discount of 5% ?

A dealer allows a discount of 15%. A customer pays an amount of Rs. 318.75 for an article. At what price is the article listed ?

A man bought 25 crates of oranges for 10000. He lost 5 crates. In order to earn a total profit of 25% of the total cost, he would have to sell each of the remaining crates at = ?

The marked price of a shirt and trousers are in the ratio 1 : 2. The shopkeeper gives 40% discount on the shirt. If the total discount on the set of the shirt and trousers is 30%, the discount offered on the trousers is = ?

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