94 is divided into two parts in such a way that fifth part of the first and the eighth part of the second are in the ratio 3 : 4. The first part is = ?

Fourth proportional to (a2 - b2), (a2 - ab), (a3 + b3) is

The third proportional to 38 and 15 is -

The mean proportional between $$\left( {3 + \sqrt 2 } \right)$$   and $$\left( {12 - \sqrt {32} } \right)$$   is-

If $$\frac{{3x + 5}}{{5x - 2}}{\text{ = }}\frac{2}{3}{\text{,}}$$   then the value of x is

The number to be added to each of the numbers 7, 16, 43, 79 to make the numbers in proportion is = ?

Two numbers are such that the ratio between them is 4 : 7. If each is increase by 4, the ratio become 3 : 5. The larger number is = ?

The ratio between the third proportional of 12 and 30 and mean proportional of 9 and 25 is -

The present of A, B and C are in the ratio of 8 : 14 : 22 respectively. The present ages of B, C and D are in the ratio of 21 : 33 : 44 respectively. Which of the represents the ratio of the present ages of A, B, C and D respectively?

Rita invested 25% more than sunil. Sunil invested 30% less than Abhinav, who invested Rs. 6000. What is the ratio of the amount that Rita invested to the total amount by all of them together ?

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