A moving train crosses a man standing on a platform and the platform 300 metres long in 10 seconds and 25 seconds respectively. What will be the time taken by the train to cross a platform 200 metre long ?

If a distance of 50 m is covered in 1 minute, 90 m in 2 minutes and 130 m 3 minutes. Find the distance covered in 15th minute.

A bus moving at a speed of 45 km/hr catches a truck 150 metres ahead going in the same direction in 30 seconds. The speed of the truck is :

A bus covers three successive 3 km stretches at speed of 10 km/hr, 20 km/hr and 60 km/hr respectively. Its average speed over this distance is :

A man walks a certain distance in certain time, if he had gone 3 km per hour faster, he would have taken 1 hour less than the scheduled time. If he had gone 2 km per hour slower, he would have taken one hour longer on the road. The distance (in km) is :

A man travels the distance of his journey $$\frac{3}{4}$$ by bus, $$\frac{1}{6}$$ by rickshaw and remaining 2 km on foot. The total distance travelled by the man is :

A truck covers a distance of 550 metres in 1 minute whereas a bus covers a distance of 33 kms in 45 minutes. The ratio of their speed is :

A train passes two persons walking in the same direction at a speed of 3 km/hr and 5 km/hr respectively in 10 seconds and 11 seconds respectively. The speed of the train is :

A train 300 m long is running with a speed of 54 km/hr. In what time it cross a telephone pole ?

One third of a certain journey is covered at the rate of 25 km/hr, one forth at the rate of 30 km/hr and the rest at 50 km/hr. The average speed for the whole journey is :

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