A and B travel the same distance at speed of 9 km/hr and 10 km/hr respectively. If A takes 36 min more than B, the distance travelled by each is :

Ravi and Ajay start simultaneously from a place A towards B, 60 km apart. Ravi's speed is 4 km/hr less than that of Ajay, after reaching B, Ajay turns back and meet Ravi at a place 12 km away from B, Ravi's speed is :

Walking at the rate of 4 km an hour, a man cover a certain distance in 3 hours 45 minutes. If he covers the same distance on cycle, cycling at the rate of 16.5 km/hour, the time taken by him is :

A car goes 20 metres in a second. Find its speed in km/hr.

A train 300 m long passed a man walking along the line in the same direction at the rate of 3 km/hr in 33 sec. The speed of the train is :

A and B start at the same time with speed of 40 km/hr. and 50 km/hr respectively. If in covering the journey A takes 15 min longer than B, the total distance of the journey is :

A man walk a certain distance and rides back in 4 hours 30 minutes. He could ride both ways in 3 hours. The time required by the man to walk both ways is :

A man covers a total distance of 100 km on bicycle. For the first 2 hours, the speed was 20 km/hr and for the rest of the journey, it came down to 10 km/hr. The average speed will be :

The diameter of each wheel of car is 70 cm. If each wheel rotates 400 times per minutes, then the speed of the car (in km/hr) if : $$\left( {{\text{Take }}\pi = \frac{{22}}{7}} \right)$$

Two men start together to walk a certain distance, one at 4 km/hr and another at 3 km/hr. The former arrives half an hour before the latter. Find the distance :

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