The distance between two places R and S is 42 km. Anita starts from R with a uniform speed of 4 km/hr towards S and at the same time Romita starts from S towards R also with some uniform speed. They meet each other after 6 hours. The speed of Romita is :

Two trains 150 m and 120 m long respectively moving from opposite direction cross each other in 10 sec. If the speed of the second train is 43.2 km/hr, then the speed of the first train is :

Two cars are moving with speed v1, v2 towards a crossing along two roads, If their distance from the crossing be 40 metres and 50 metres at an instant of time then they do not collide if their speeds are such that :

In a race of one kilometre. A gives B a start of 100 metres and still wins by 20 seconds. But if A gives B a start of 25 seconds, B wins by 50 metres. The time taken by A to run kilometre is :

A man travels 50 km at speed 25 km/hr and next 40 km at 20 km/hr and there after travel 90 km at 15 km/hr. His average speed is :

The speed of two trains are in the ratio 6 : 7. If the second train runs 364 km in 4 hours, then the speed of first train is :

2 km 5 metres is equal to ?

A jeep is chasing a car which is 5 km ahead. Their respective speeds are 90 km/hr and 75 km/hr. After how many minutes will the jeep catch the car ?

A gun is fired from a fort. A man hears the sound 10 seconds later. If the sound travels at the rate of 330 m/sec, find the distance between the fort and the man.

A man goes to a place on bicycle at speed of 16 km/hr and comes back at lower speed. If the average speed is 6.4 km/hr in total, then the return speed (in km/hr) is :

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