A person travels equal distance with speeds of 3 km/hr, 4 km/hr and 5 km/hr and taken a total time of 47 minutes. The total distance (in km) is :

Mary jogs 9 km at a speed of 6 km per hour. At what speed would she need to jog during the next 1.5 hours to have an average of 9 km per hour for the entire jogging session ?

If a person walks at 14 km/hr instead of 10 km/hr, he would have walked 20 km more. The actual distance travelled by him is :

Aryan runs at a speed of 40 meters/minute. Rahul follows him after an interval of 5 minutes and runs at a speed of 50 metres/minute. Rahul's dog runs at a speed of 60 metres/minute and starts along with Rahul. The dog reaches Aryan and then comesback to Rahul, and continues to do so till Rahul reaches Aryan. What is the total distance covered by the dog ?

Two trains starting at the same time from two stations 200 km apart and going in opposite directions cross each other at a distance of 110 km from one of the stations. What is the ratio of their speeds ?

A car covers 650 kmps in 12 hours and the other 850 kms in 18 hours. Find the average sped of the car ?

A man in a train notices that he can count 21 telephone posts in one minutes. If they are known to be 50 metres apart, then at what speed is the train travelling ?

Kim and Om are travelling from points A to B, which are 400 km apart. Travelling at a certain speed Kim takes one hour more than Om to reach point B. If Kim doubles her speed she will take 1 hour 30 mins less than Om to reach point B. At what speed was Kim driving from point A to B ? (In kmph)

Which of the following trains is the fastest ?

A motor car starts with the speed of 70 km/hr with its speed increasing every two hours by 10 kmph. In how many hours will it cover 345 kms ?

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