P and Q are 27 km away. Two trains with speed of 24 km/hr and 18 km/hr respectively start simultaneously from P and Q and travel in the same direction. They meet at a point R beyond Q. Distance QR is

A train takes 45 minutes to cover a certain distance at a speed of 80 km/h. If the speed is increased by 125%, then how long will it take the train to cover $$\frac{8}{5}$$ of the same distance?

To cover a distance of 416 km, a train A takes $$2\frac{2}{3}$$ hours more than train B. If the speed of A is doubled, it would take $$1\frac{1}{3}$$ hours less than B. What is the speed (in km/h) of train A?

A student goes to school at a speed of $$5\frac{1}{2}$$ km/h and returns at a speed of 4 km/h. If he takes $$4\frac{3}{4}$$ hours for the entire journey, then total distance covered by the student (in km) is:

Rahul and Mithun travel a distance of 30 km. The sum of their speeds is 70 km/h and the total time taken by both to travel the distance is 2 hours 6 minutes. The difference between their speeds is:

The distance between two places A and B is 140 km. Two cars x and y start simultaneously from A and B respectively. If they move in the same direction, they meet after 7 hours. If they move towards each other, they meet after one hour. What is the speed (in km/h) or car y if its speed is more than that or car x?

Walking at 60% of his usual speed, a man reaches his destination 1 hour 40 minutes late. His usual time (in hours) to reach the destination is:

A train without stoppage travels with an average speed of 65 km/h and with stoppage, it travels with an average speed of 52 km/h. For how many minutes does the train stop on an average per hour?

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