Ramesh travels 760 km to his home, partly by train and partly by car. He takes 8 hours, if he travels 160 km by train and the rest by car. He takes 12 minutes more, if he travels 240 km by train and the rest by car. What are the spends of the car and the train respectively ?

A train started from station A and proceeded towards station B at a speed of 48 km/hr. Forty-five minutes later another train started from station B and proceeded towards station a at 50 km/hr. If the distance between the two stations is 232 km, at what distance from station A will the trains meet ?

If Karan travels at a speed of 60 kmph and covers a distance in 9 hrs., then how much time will he take to travel the same distance at a speed of 90 kmph ?

A man performs $$\frac{2}{15}$$ of the total journey by rail, $$\frac{9}{20}$$ by bus and the remaining 10 km, on the cycle. His total journey is :

A train covers a distance of $$193\frac{1}{3}$$ km in $$4\frac{1}{4}$$ hours with one stoppage of 10 minutes, two of 5 minutes and one of 3 minutes on the way. The average speed of the train is :

The speed of electric train is 25% more than that of steam engine train. What is the time taken by an electric train to cover a distance which a steam engine takes 4 hours 25 minutes to cover ?

I started on my bicycle at 7 am to reach a certain place. After going a certain distance, my bicycle went out of order. Consequently, I rested for 35 minutes and came back to my house walking all the way. I reached my house at 1 pm. If my cycling speed is 10 kmph and my walking speed is 1 kmph, then on my bicycle I covered a distance of :

A man covered a certain distance at some speed. Had he moved 3 kmph faster, he would have taken 40 minutes less. If he had moved 2 kmph slower, he would have taken 40 minutes more. The distance (in km) is :

A runs twice as fast as B and B runs thrice as fast as C. The distance covered by C in 72 minutes, will be covered by A in :

A and B walk around a circular track. They start at 8 am from the same point in the opposite directions. A and B walk at a speed of 2 rounds per hour and 3 rounds per hour respectively. How many times shall they cross each other before 9.30 am ?

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