The speed of a bus is 72 kmph. The distance covered by the bus in 5 sec is :

Deepa rides her bike at an average speed of 30 km/hr and reaches her destination in 6 hours. Hema covers the same distance in 4 hours. If Deepa increases her average speed by 10 km/hr and Hema increases her average speed by 5 km/hr, what would be the difference in their time taken to reach the destination ?

A takes 2 hours more than B to walk d km, but if A doubles his speed, then he can make it in 1 hour less than B. How much times does B required for walking d km ?

A car covers the first 39 kms of its journey in 45 minutes and covers the remaining 25 km in 35 minutes. What is the average speed of the car ?

A train covered a certain distance at a uniform speed. If the train had been 6 km/hr faster, then it would have taken 4 hours less then the scheduled time. And, if the train were slower by 6 km/hr, then the train would have take 6 hours more than the scheduled time. The length of the journey is :

A ship, 40 kilometres from the shore, springs a leak which admits $$3\frac{3}{4}$$ tonnes of water in 12 minutes. 60 tonnes would suffice to sink her, but the ship's pumps can throw out 12 tonnes of water in one hour. Find the average rate of sailing, so that she may reach the shore just as she begging to sink ?

Two cyclists start on a circular track from a given point but in opposite directions with speeds of 7 m/sec and 8 m/sec respectively. If the circumference of the circle is 300 metres, after what time will they meet at the starting point ?

A man travels for 5 hours 15 minutes. If he covers the first half of the journey at 60 km/hr and rest at 45 km/hr. Find the total distance travelled by him ?

An aeroplane flies twice as fast as a train which covers 60 miles in 80 minutes. What distance will the aeroplane cover in 20 minutes ?

Anna left for city A from city B at 5.20 am. She travelled at the speed of 80 km/hr for 2 hours 15 minutes. After that the speed was reduced to 60 km/hr. If the distance between two cities is 350 kms, at what time did Anna reach reach city A ?

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