A man takes 50 minutes to cover a certain distance at a speed of 6 km/hr. If he walks with a speed of 10 km/hr, he covers the same distance in :

A man takes 100 minutes to cover a certain distance at a speed of 6 km/hr. If he walks with a speed of 10 km/hr, he covers the same distance in :

A man performs $$\frac{3}{5}$$ of the total journey by rail, $$\frac{7}{20}$$ by bus and the remaining 6.5 km on foot. His total journey is :

A boy rides his bicycle 10 km at an average speed of 12 km/hr and again travels 12 km at an average speed of 10 km//hr. His average speed for the entire trip is approximately:

Excluding stoppages, the speed of a bus is 54 kmph and including stoppages, it is 45 kmph. For how many minutes does the bus stop per hour ?

There are 8 equidistant points A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H in the clockwise direction on the periphery of a circle. In a time interval t, a person reaches from A to C with uniform motion while another person reaches the point E from the point B during the same time interval with uniform motion. Both the persons move in the same direction along the circumference of the circle and start at the same instant. How much time after the start, will the two persons meet each other ?

Train X leaves New York at 1 am and travels east at a constant speed of x mph. If train Z leaves New York at 2 am and travels east, at what constant rate of speed will train Z have to travel in order to catch train X at exactly 5.30 am ?

A car goes 20 metres in a second. Find its speed in km/hr ?

A truck covers a distance of 550 metres in 1 minute whereas a bus covers a distance of 33 kms in 45 minutes. The ratio of their speed is :

A person wishes to reach his destination 90 km away 3 hours but for the first half of the journey his speed was 20 km/hr. His average speed for the rest of the journey should be :

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