Prasad goes 96 kilometres on a bike at a speed of 16 km/h, 124 kilometres at 31 km/h in a car, and 105 kilometres at 7 km/h in a horse cart. Find his average speed for the entire distance travelled.

Ram starts from point A at 8 a.m. and reaches point B at 2 p.m. on the same day. On the same day, Raju starts from point B at 8 a.m. and reaches point A at 6 p.m. on the same day. Both points A and B are separated by only a straight line track. At what time they both meet?

A and B start moving towords each other from places X and Y, respectively, at the same time on the day. The speed of A is 20% more than of B. After meeting on the way, A and B take p hours and $$7\frac{1}{5}$$ hours, respectively. What is the value of p?

Length of a train is 330 metres and it is moving at the speed of 72 km/hr. In how much time will it takes cross a platform of length 710 metres?

A train, 150 m long, is running at 90 km/h. How long (in seconds) will it take to clear a platform that is 300 m long?

A takes 2 hours more than B to cover a distance of 40 km. If A doubles his speed, he takes $$1\frac{1}{2}$$ hours more than B to cover 80 km. To cover a distance of 90 km, how much time will B take travelling at his same speed?

Places A and B are 396 km apart. Train X leaves from A for B and train Y leaves from B for A at the same time on the same day on parallel tracks. Both trains meet after $$5\frac{1}{2}$$ hours. The speed of Y is 10 km/h more than that of X. What is the speed (in km/h) of Y?

A train travels the distance between stations P and Q at a speed of 126 km/h, while in the opposite direction it comes back at 90 km/h. Another train travels the same distance at the average speed of the first train. The time taken by the second train to travel 525 km is:

Renu was sitting inside train A, which was travelling at 50 km/h. Another train, B whose length was three times the length of A crossed her in the opposite direction in 15 seconds. If the speed of train B was 58 km/h. Then the length of train A (in m) is:

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