A train travelling at the speed of x km/h crossed a 200 m long platform in 30 seconds and overtook a man walking in the same direction at the speed of 6 km/h in 20 seconds. What is the value of x?

The distance between two stations A and B is 200 km. A train runs from A to B at a speed of 75 km/h, while another train runs from B to A at a speed of 85 km/h. What will be the distance between the two trains (in km) 3 minutes before they meet?

Train A running at 81 km/h takes 72 sec to overtake train B, when both the trains are running in the same direction, but it takes 36 sec to cross each other if the trains are running in the opposite direction. If the length of train B is 600 metres, then find the length of train A. (in metres)

Ram travelled from a place Z to P at an average speed of 130 km/h. He travelled the first 75% of the distance in two third of the time and rest at an average speed of X km/h. The value of $$\frac{x}{2}$$ is.

A train travels the distance between stations P and Q at a speed of 126 km/h, while in the opposite direction it comes back at 90 km/h. Another train travels the same distance at the average speed of the first train. The time taken by the second train to travel 525 km is:

A person travels a distance of 300 m and then returns to the starting point. The time taken by him for the outward journey is 5 hours more than the time taken for the return journey. If he returns at a speed of 10 km/h more than the speed of going, what is the average speed (in km/h) for the entire journey?

One third of a certain journey is covered at the speed of 80 km/hr one fourth of the journey at the speed of 50 km/hr and the rest at the speed of 100 km/hr what will be the average speed (in km/hr) for the whole journey?

A person covers 40% of the distance from A to B at 8 km/h, 40% of the remaining distance at 9 km/h and the rest at 12 km/h. His average speed (in km/h) for the journey is:

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