Which value among $$\root 4 \of 7 ,\,\root 3 \of {11} $$   and $$\root {12} \of {1257} $$  is the largest?

The Simplified value of $$\frac{{\sqrt 6 + 2}}{{\sqrt 2 + \sqrt {2 + \sqrt 3 } }} - \frac{{\sqrt 6 - 2}}{{\sqrt 2 - \sqrt {2 - \sqrt 3 } }} - \frac{{2\sqrt 2 }}{{2 + \sqrt 2 }}$$

$$\eqalign{ & {\text{If m}} = \sqrt {5 + \sqrt {5 + \sqrt {5\,......} } } \cr & {\text{n}} = \sqrt {5 - \sqrt {5 - \sqrt {5\,......} } } \cr} $$
then among the following the relation between m & n holds is.

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