Ramesh and Rahman can do a work in 20 and 25 days respectively. After doing collectively 10 days of work, they leave the work due to illness and Suresh completes rest of the work in 3 days. How many days Suresh alone can take to complete the whole work ?

The ratio of the amount of work done by (x - 1) labours in (x + 1) days and (x + 1) labours in (x + 2) days is 5 : 6. Then the value of x is ?

A can do a work in 36 days, B in 18 days and C in 12 days. Every 2nd day B and every 3rd day C, helps A .Then in how many days the work will be completed?

A can complete 25% of a work in 15 days. He works for 15 days and then B alone finishes the remaining work in 30 days. In how many days will A and B working together finish 50% of the same work?

If 450 men can finish construction of an apartment in 20 days, then how many men are needed to complete the same work in 30 days?

A can do $$\frac{1}{3}$$ of a work in 30 days, B can do $$\frac{2}{5}$$ of the same work in 24 days. They worked together for 20 days. C complete the remaining work in 8 days. Working together A, B and C will complete the same work in:

X, Y and Z can do a piece of work in 46 days, 92 days and 23 days, respectively. X started the work. Y joined him after 2 days. If Z joined them after 8 days from the beginning, then for how many days did X work?

A, B and C can all together do a piece of work in 10 days, in which B takes 3 times as long as A and C together to do the work. In how many days can B alone do the work?

A can do 20% of work in 4 days, B can do $$33\frac{1}{3}\% $$  of the same work in 10 days. They worked together for 9 days. C completed the remaining work in 6 days. B and C together complete 75% of the same work in:

A and B can do a job in 10 days and 5 days respectively. They worked together for two days, after which B was replaced by C and the work was finished in the next three days. How long will C alone take to finish 40% of the job?

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