A shopkeeper marks his goods 20% above his cost price and gives 15% discount on the marked price. His gain percent is = ?

A shopkeeper sold an item for Rs. 1510 after giving a discount of $$24\frac{1}{2}\% $$   and there by incurred a loss of 10%. Had he sold the item without discount his net profit would have been = ?

Discount on a pair of shoes marked at Rs. 475 and discounted at 15% is = ?

A machine is marked at Rs. 6800 and available at a discount of 10%. The shopkeeper gives another off season discount to the buyer and sells the machine for Rs. 5202. Find the off season discount ?

A double bed is market at Rs. 75000. The shopkeeper allows successive discounts of 8%, 5% and 2% on it. What is the net selling price ?

Anand marks up the price of an article by 50% and then allows a discount of 20% and sells it to Balaji who sells it for Rs. 20, more than what he purchased for, this selling price is 30% more then the original cost price of the article. Then Balaji's profit % is = ?

The marked price of an article is Rs. 500. A shopkeeper gives a discount of 5% and still makes a profit of 25%. The cost price of the article is = ?

A shopkeeper allows a discount of 12.5% on the marked price of a certain article and makes a profit of 20%. If the article costs the shopkeeper Rs. 210, then the marked price of the article will be = ?

The difference between simple interest and the true discount on Rs. 2400 due 4 years hence at 5% per annum simple interest is -

Charging 30% above its production cost a radio maker puts a label of Rs. 286 on a radio as is price. But at the time of selling it, he allows 10% discount on the labelled price. What will his gain be ?

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