A bicycle, marked at Rs. 2000 is sold with two successive discount of 20% and 10%. An additional discount of 5% is offered for cash payment. The selling price of the bicycle at cash payment is = ?

An article is sold at a discount of 20% and an additional discount 30% is allowed on cash payment. If Vidya purchased the article by paying Rs. 2240 in cash, the marked price of the article was = ?

A retailer purchases a grinder at a discount of 15% of the whole seller and sales it for Rs. 1955 at a profit of 15%. The amount of discount received by the retailer from the whole seller was = ?

The marked price of a T.V. is Rs. 16000. After two successive discounts it is sold for Rs. 11400. If the first discount is 5%, then the rate of second discount is = ?

The difference between a discount of 30% on Rs. 2000 and two successive discounts of 25% and 5% on the same amount is ?

If on a market price the difference of selling price with a discount of 30% and two successive discounts of 20% and 10% is 72, then the marked price ( in rupees ) is ?

Ramesh marks his goods 30% above cost price. If he sells the item for Rs. 910 afters allowing of 15% discount. Find his cost price ?

The single discount equivalent to two successive discount of 20% and 5% is = ?

A shopkeeper marks the price of an item keeping 20% profit. If he offers a discount of $${\text{12}}\frac{1}{2}\% $$   on the marked price, his gain percent will be = ?

A seller marks his goods 30% above their cost price but allows 15% discount for cash payment. His percentage of profit when sold in cash is = ?

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