For a certain article. If discount is 25% the profit is 25%. If the discount is 10%, then the profit is = ?

A single discount of 50% on an article costing Rs. 10000 is better than two successive discounts of 40% and 10% by = ?

A purchased a dining table marked at Rs. 3000 at a successive discounts of 10% and 15% respectively. He gave Rs. 105 as trans-portion charge and sold it at Rs. 3200. What is his gain percentage ?

A shopkeeper marks the price of an article at Rs. 80. What will be the selling price, if he allows two successive discounts at 5% each = ?

A shopkeeper purchased a chair marked at Rs. 600 at two successive discounts of 15% and 20% respectively, he spent Rs. 28 on transportation and sold the chair for Rs. 545. His gain percent was = ?

Two successive discounts of 10% and 5%, in this order, are given on a bill of Rs. 110. Find the net amount of money payable to clear the bill (answer to the nearest rupee) = ?

A merchant allows a discount of 10% on marked price for the cash payment. To make a profit of 17%, he must mark his goods higher than their cost price by = ?

The total discount on Rs.1860 due after a certain time at 5% is Rs. 60. Find the time after which it is due -

If the discount is equal to one fifth of the marked price and the loss is half the discount, then the percentage of loss is = ?

How much percent more than the cost price should a shopkeeper mark his goods so that after allowing a discount of 25% on the marked price, he gain 20% ?

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