The dimensions of a certain machine are 48" × 30" × 52". If the size of the machine is increased proportionately until the sum of its dimensions equal 156", what will be the increase in the shortest side ?

How many small cubes, each of 96 cm surface area, can be formed from the material obtained by melting a larger cube of 384 cm surface area ?

A closed metallic cylindrical box is 1.25 m high and its base radius is 35 cm. If the sheet metal costs Rs. 80 per m2, the cost of the material used in the box is :

A well with inner diameter 8 m is dug 14 m deep. Earth take out of its has been evenly spread all around it to a width of 3 m form an embankment. The height of the embankment will be :

An iron pipe 20 cm long has exterior diameter equal to 25 cm. If the thickness of the pipe is 1 cm, then the whole surface of the pipe is :

A semicircular sheet of paper of diameter 28 cm is bent to cover the exterior surface of an open conical ice-cream cup. The depth of the ice-cream cup is :

In a right circular cone, the radius of its base is 7 cm and its height is 24 cm. A cross-section is made through the mid-point of the height parallel to the base. The volume of the upper portion is :

If the surface area of two spheres are in the ratio of 4 : 25, then the ratio of their volumes is :

The diameter of the iron ball used for the shot-put game is 14 cm. It is melted and then a solid cylinder of height $$2\frac{1}{3}$$ cm is made. What will be the diameter of the base of the cylinder ?

A hemispherical bowl is 176 cm round the brim. Supposing it to be half full, how many persons may be served from it in hemispherical glasses 4 cm in diameter at the top ?

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