What is the volume in cubic cm of a pyramid whose area of the base is 25 sq cm and height 9 cm ?

If the volume and curved surface area of a cylinder are 616 m3 and 352 m2 respectively, what is the total surface area of the cylinder (in m2)

If the height of a right circular cone is increased by 200% and the radius of the base is reduced by 50%, then the volume of the cone :

The length of canvas 1.1 m wide required to build a conical tent of height 14 m and the floor area 346.5 sq.m is :

The radius of a hemispherical bowls is 6 cm. The capacity of the bowl is $$\left( {{\text{Take }}\pi = \frac{{22}}{7}} \right)$$

The ratio of the volumes of a right circular cylinder and a sphere is 3 : 2. If the radius of the sphere is double the radius of the base of the cylinder, find the ratio of the total surface areas of the cylinder and the sphere :

If the radius of a sphere is increased by 10%, then the volume will be increased by :

A rectangular tank is 225 m by 162 m at the base. With what speed must water flow into it through an aperture 60 cm by 45 cm so that the level may be raised 20 cm in 5 hours ?

Each side of a cube measures 8 metres. What is the volume of the cube ?

The volume of a cuboid is twice that of a cube . If the dimensions of the cuboid are 9 cm, 8 cm and 6 cm, the total surface area of the cube is :

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