The most plausible explanation for a sudden increase of the respiratory quotient (RQ) of a microbial culture is that

Match the following antibiotics in Group I with their mode of action in Group II.
Group I Group II
P. Chloramphenicol 1. Binds to DNA gyrase
Q. Norfloxacin 2. Binds to RNA Polymerase
R. Puromycin 3. Inhibits peptidyl transferase
S. Rifampicin 4. Mimics aminoacyl-tRNA

Match the antibiotics in Group I with the targets in Group II.
Group I Group II
P. Sulfonamide 1. Peptidoglycan synthesis
Q. Quinolones 2. Peptide chain elongation
R. Erythromycin 3. Folic acid biosynthesis
S. Cephalosporin 4. Topoisomerase

A microorganism isolated from a salt-rich (salt concentration ∼2 M) lake was found to possess diglycerol tetraethers, with polyisoprenoid alcohol side chains, as the major lipid component of its cell membrane. The isolated organism is

Which of the following are true for Treponema pallidum?
P. It is the causative agent of syphilis
Q. It is a spirochete
R. It is a non-motile bacterium
S. It is generally susceptible to penicillin
Choose the correct combination.

Match the organisms in Group I with the entries in Group II.
Group I Group II
P. Clostridium 1. Rods with teichoic acid in the cell wall
Q. Escherichia 2. Rods with endospores
R. Vibrio 3. Helical rods with flagella
S. Bacillus 4. Rods with LPS in the outer membrane
5. Curved rods with polar flagella