What will be the output of the following C code?
const char str1[10]="Helloworld";
const char str2[10] = "world";
char *mat;
mat = strstr(str1, str2);
printf("The substring is:%s\n", mat);

What will be the output of the following C code?
char ch[ ] = "0xC";
if(isxdigit(ch[ ]))
printf("ch = %s is hexadecimal character \n",ch);
printf("ch = %s is not hexadecimal character \n",ch);

The C library function . . . . . . . . breaks string s1 into a series of tokens using the delimiter s2.

What is the function of void *memset(s, c, n)?

What will be the output of the following C code?
char str1[] = "Helloworld ";
char str2[] = "Hello";
len = strspn(str1, str2);
printf("Length of initial segment matching %d\n", len );

What will be the output of the following C code?
void *memset(void *c, int c, size-t n) 
unsigned char ch = c;
unsigned char *su;
for (su = s; 0 < n; ++su, --n)
*su = ch;

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