Degree of freedom of a system consisting of a gaseous mixture of H2 and NH3 will be

A closed system is cooled reversibly from 100°C to 50°C. If no work is done on the system

The expression for entropy change given by, $$\Delta S = - nRln\left( {\frac{{{P_2}}}{{{P_1}}}} \right),$$    holds good for

For any system, what is the minimum number of degrees of freedom?

Which of the following is not a unit of the equilibrium constant Kp? (where, Δx = number of moles of products number of moles of reactants)

Equilibrium constant of a reaction varies with the

Which of the following will increase the volume of a real gas by four times ?

The accentric factor of a materical, 'ω', is defined as ω = -log10 (Prsat)Tr-1 = 0.7, where, Prsat = reduced vapor pressure, Tr = reduced temperature. The value of accentric factor is always

The number of degrees of freedom for a mixture of ice and water (liquid) are

A solute distributes itself between two non-miscible solvents in contact with each other in such a way that, at a constant temperature, the ratio of its concentrations in two layers is constant, irrespective of its total amount". This is

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