Pick out the undesirable property for a good refrigerant.

A solid metallic block weighing 5 kg has an initial temperature of 500°C. 40 kg of water initially at 25°C is contained in a perfectly insulated tank. The metallic block is brought into contact with water. Both of them come to equilibrium. Specific heat of block material is 0.4 kJ.kg-1.K-1. Ignoring the effect of expansion and contraction and also the heat capacity to tank, the total entropy change in kJ.kg-1.K-1 is

Isotherm on an enthalpy-concentration diagram, for an ideal solution will be a

Choose the condition that must be specified in order to liquify CO2 (triple point for CO2 is -57°C and 5.2 atm).

When a system is in equilibrium for all possible processes, the differential or finite change of entropy is

Consider the reaction, C + O2 ⇋ CO2; ΔH = -94 kcal. What will be the value of ΔH for the reaction CO2 → C + O2?

In a working refrigerator, the value of COP is always

Which of the following units is not present in both the vapor compression refrigeration system and absorption refrigeration system?

Which is not constant for an ideal gas?

Heat evolved/absorbed during conversion of a substance from one allotropic form to another is termed as the heat of

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