The energy balance equation over a tubular reactor under transient conditions is

Brunaur, Emmet and Teller (BET) equation is used to determine the specific surface area of a porous particle but not the pore volume & the porosity of the catalyst bed. Which of the following postulates is not used to derive BET equation?

A space velocity of 5 hr-1 means that

An isothermal irreversible reaction is being carried out in an ideal tubular flow reactor. The conversion in this case will __________ with decrease in space time.

If helium is introduced in a reactor containing O2, SO2 and SO3 at equilibrium, so that total pressure increases while volume and temperature remains constant. In this case the dissociation of SO3 (as per Le Chatlier principle)

The temperature dependence of reaction rate constant (K) by Arhenius law is given by

Consider the nth order irreversible liquid phase reaction A → B. Which one of the following plots involving half life of the reaction $$\left( {{{\text{t}}_{\frac{1}{2}}}} \right)$$  and the initial reactant concentration (CA0) gives a straight line plot?

A chemical reaction, A → 3B, is conducted in a constant pressure vessel. Starting with pure A, the volume of the reaction mixture increases 3 times in 6 minutes. The fractional conversion is

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