For a heterogenous catalytic reaction, A + B → C, with equimole feed of A and B, the initial rate -rA0 is invariant with total pressure. The rate controlling step is

In an ideal P.F.R. at steady state conditions

Pick the WRONG design guideline for a reactor in which the reactions, A → R (desired) and A → S (undesired) are to take place. The ratio of the reaction rates is $$\frac{{{{\text{r}}_{\text{R}}}}}{{{{\text{r}}_{\text{S}}}}} = \frac{{{{\text{k}}_1}}}{{{{\text{k}}_2}}} \cdot {{\text{C}}_{\text{A}}}^{{\text{a}} - {\text{b}}}$$

The value of steric factor 'P' in the equation $${\text{k}} = {\text{PZ}}{{\text{e}}^{\frac{{\text{E}}}{{{\text{RT}}}}}}$$   usually ranges from

An exothermic reaction takes place in an adiabatic reactor. The product temperature __________ reactor feed temperature.

The size of plug flow reactor (PFR) for all positive reaction orders and for any given duty, is __________ that of mixed reactor.

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