Steady fluid flow occurs, when the derivative of flow variables satisfy the following condition.

Uniform fluid flow occurs, when the derivative of the flow variables satisfy the following condition.

In frictional fluid flow, the quantity, $$\frac{{\text{P}}}{\rho } + \frac{{{{\text{V}}^2}}}{{2{\text{gc}}}} + \frac{{{\text{gz}}}}{{{\text{gc}}}},$$    is

Water hammer is caused, when water flowing in a pipe is suddenly brought to rest by closing the valve. The extent of pressure thus produced due to water hammer depends on the

As per Newton's law of viscosity, the shear stress for a given rate of angular deformation of fluid is proportional to (where, $$\mu $$ = fluid viscosity)

Path followed by water jet issuing from the bottom of a water tank will be a

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