Which of the following is correct?

Double pipe heat exchangers are used

A hot liquid is kept in a big room. The logorithm of the numerical value of the temperature difference between the liquid and the room is plotted against time. The plot will be very nearly a/an

Pick out the wrong statement.

The equivalent diameter for the annulus of a double pipe heat exchanger, whose inner pipe has fins on the outside is __________ compared to the same size pipes without fins.

Steam is to be condensed in a shell and tube heat exchanger, 5 m long with a shell diameter of 1 m. Cooling water is to be used for removing the heat. Heat transfer co-efficient for the cooling water, whether on shell side or tube side is the same. The best arrangement is

Baffles in the shell side of a shell and tube heat exchanger

Overall heat transfer co-efficient of a particular tube is U1. If the same tube with some dirt deposited on either side has coefficient U2, then

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