For the flow of gases through a capillary, with increase in temperature, the permeability __________ as per Knudsen law.

The surface renewal frequency in Danckwerts model of mass transfer is given by (KL: mass transfer co-efficient)

Unsaturated air (with dry bulb and wet bulb temperatures being 45°C and 25°C respectively) is passed through a water spray chamber maintained at 23°C. The air will be cooled and

Pick out the correct statement.

Experiments were conducted to determine the flux of a species A in a stagnant medium across a gas-liquid interface. The overall mass transfer co-efficient based on the liquid side for dilute systems for the above was estimated to be 4 × 10-3 kg mole/m2.s. The equilibrium data for the system is given as y = 2x. The flux across the interface (in kg mole/m2.s) for bulk concentrations of A in gas phase and liquid phase as y = 0.4 and x = 0.01 respectively is

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